bamazon is an app similar to amazon where it’s connected to database that has table that has stores some information about some products!!!
My table has:
I created 2 files:
Both files are allowing the user to see something and make order, add new order,add stock and view all the items that are currently in the database.
Both files are using prompt so it will ask the user for info about the product or to create new upon loading them.
below i will provide the link to the video to how the app runs
this program gonna take the same mysql database that i worked prior
i created 4 functions that is gonna be called in each of the switch cases
When user choose to view the products it’s gonna display the: id,name,department_name,price,stock of the products
When user choose to view low inventory it’s gonna display the items with less than 5 stock quantity in the databse
when user decide to add to inventort it’s gonna give us prompt where it’s gonna ask the user for id of the product! When the user chooses id then it ask him how many he would like to add up to the stock! Then it update our mySql Database!
when user decide to add completely new product it’s gonna ask him few questions about the name,deparment name, price, stock ! upon entering all of these it’s gonna be updated our mySql and the new product it’s gonna be ready for sale!
link to the bamazonCustomer.js app video how it works here
link to the bamazonManager.js app video how it works here